0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A1.1 1 / 20 Where do you come __________? at to from 2 / 20 There are __________ people in this room. a lot many much 3 / 20 Greg will meet __________ at the shop. our we us 4 / 20 Would you like __________ apple? an – a 5 / 20 My name __________ Peter. am is are 6 / 20 Sorry I’m so late. That’s __________. okay right great 7 / 20 I have two __________. child’s children child 8 / 20 The soup tastes __________. wonderfully well good 9 / 20 Pauline __________ loves working with children. much really very 10 / 20 Can you tell me when __________? leaves the plane the plane leaves does the plane leave 11 / 20 This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced hottest hotter most hot 12 / 20 Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________! I’m very sorry here you are that sounds great 13 / 20 I get five hours of sleep every night. That’s not __________. very lot enough 14 / 20 He did it __________. a loan alone lone 15 / 20 He __________ the newspaper every day. doesn’t read don’t read doesn’t reads 16 / 20 I __________ to rock music. don’t never listen listen never never listen 17 / 20 Rabbits have__________. bigs ear ears big big ears 18 / 20 __________ the time? What is it What is What 19 / 20 I like __________ football. to play to playing play 20 / 20 __________ ever been to Madrid? Are you Did you Have you Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A1.2 1 / 20 I am going to the cinema tonight. __________ you like to come with me? Are Would Will 2 / 20 Do you like ice cream? Yes, __________. I do I will I can 1 3 / 20 I think that driving is more dangerous __________ flying. as like than 4 / 20 Is this __________ book? yours you your 5 / 20 _____________ is that over there? Whose Whom Who 6 / 20 They __________ go to work by bus usually used usual 7 / 20 __________ is a letter for you, Susan. There Their They’re 1 8 / 20 My mother __________ shopping twice a week. has gets goes 9 / 20 There are __________ people in this room. much many a lot 10 / 20 Sorry I’m so late. That’s __________. great right okay 11 / 20 I have two __________. child children child’s 12 / 20 Where is Julia? She __________ home. goes is gone has gone 13 / 20 The soup tastes __________. good well wonderfully 14 / 20 He __________ the newspaper every day. doesn’t reads don’t read doesn’t read 15 / 20 Would you like __________ apple? a – an 16 / 20 Everybody knows __________ Shakespeare is. whose whom who 17 / 20 __________ ever been to Madrid? Have you Did you Are you 18 / 20 Do you know the car __________ is parked outside? which who whom 19 / 20 This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced. most hot hotter hottest 20 / 20 I like __________ football. play to playing to play Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A2.1 1 / 20 My parents are very proud __________ me. of with on 2 / 20 How do I __________ to the station? get come arrive 3 / 20 There are __________ people in this room. much many a lot 4 / 20 Some people want to make __________ united Europe. a – an 5 / 20 My name __________ Peter. are am is 6 / 20 Is this book __________? my mine me 7 / 20 John __________ a new car. have is having has 8 / 20 __________ do you do? Where How Why 9 / 20 I don’t like whisky. __________ do I! Neither So Either 10 / 20 Jack is taller __________ George. then that than 11 / 20 He doesn’t like __________. woman women womans 12 / 20 _____________ is that over there? Who Whom Whose 13 / 20 Have you __________ your homework, Annie? made done given 1 14 / 20 The soup tastes __________. good well strangely 15 / 20 Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________! here you are I’m very sorry that sounds great 16 / 20 __________ is a letter for you, Susan. There Their hey’re 1 17 / 20 Can you tell me when __________? does the plane leave the plane leaves leaves the plane 18 / 20 This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced. most hot hotter hottest 19 / 20 Do you know the car __________ is parked outside? which who whom 20 / 20 They __________ go to work by bus usual used usually Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau A2.2 1 / 20 Two men _____________ in the accident. dies dying died 2 / 20 How do I __________ to the station? get come arrive 3 / 20 I’d like to change 100 dollars ____________ euros, please. with into by 1 4 / 20 Some people want to make __________ united Europe. a – an 5 / 20 When he got to the bus stop, the bus had just __________. left leave leaved 1 6 / 20 Is this book __________? my me mine 7 / 20 John __________ a new car. have is having has 8 / 20 How __________ does it take to get to the railway station from your house? often long far 9 / 20 I don’t like whisky. __________ do I! Neither So Either 10 / 20 Where _____________ you live when you were a child? have did do 11 / 20 He doesn’t like _____________. woman women womans 12 / 20 _____________ is that over there? Who Whom Whose 13 / 20 The soup tastes __________. good well strangely 14 / 20 Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________! I’m very sorry here you are that sounds great 15 / 20 Can you tell me when __________? does the plane leave the plane leaves leaves the plane 16 / 20 This weather is the __________ I have ever experienced. most hot hotter hottest 17 / 20 Take your umbrella – I think _____________ is going to rain. it there that 18 / 20 They __________ go to work by bus. usual used usually 19 / 20 My aunt ____________ on the ice and broke her leg. felt fell felled 20 / 20 Have you __________ your homework, Annie? given done made 1 Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B1.1 1 / 20 This meat is beautifully __________ – what recipe did you use? gentle tender mild 2 / 20 Are you good __________ singing? at to on 3 / 20 __________ MG is an English car. a – an 4 / 20 Everybody __________ who Shakespeare is. knows know is knowing 5 / 20 Is this book __________? my me mine 6 / 20 Can you give me __________ information? an a piece some 7 / 20 __________ do you do? Where How Why 8 / 20 I don’t like whisky. __________ do I! Neither So Either 9 / 20 Jack is taller __________ George. then that than 10 / 20 He doesn’t like __________. woman women womans 11 / 20 If you work __________, we can make it! hard more hard hardly 1 12 / 20 Let’s look at it again, __________ we? don’t shall will 1 13 / 20 Where is Julia? She __________ home. goes is gone has gone 14 / 20 Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________! I’m very sorry here you are that sounds greata 15 / 20 Can you tell me when __________? does the plane leave the plane leaves leaves the plane 16 / 20 __________ the time? Whats What’s Whats’ 17 / 20 Everybody knows __________ Shakespeare is. whose whom who 18 / 20 Could you show me the way to the __________ office? doctor’s doctors doctor 19 / 20 We have __________ come home from an amazing trip to Mauritius. only just already 20 / 20 I couldn’t __________ up with the noise in this city! put live set Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B1.2 1 / 20 Are you good __________ singing? at to on 2 / 20 We had a great week _________ we went walking in the mountains. that when where 3 / 20 __________ not a good idea to do that. It Its It’s 4 / 20 Is this book __________? my me mine 5 / 20 You should read this novel – it’s been __________ recommended by the critics. highly fully deeply 6 / 20 Jack is very good at sports _______ his brother Ed is not interested in it at all. whenever whether while 7 / 20 I __________ outside the cinema when the police arrived. stood was standing am standing 8 / 20 He doesn’t like __________. woman women womans 9 / 20 Let’s look at it again, __________ we? don’t shall will 1 10 / 20 The soup tastes __________. good well wonderfully 11 / 20 Could you pass me the salt, please? Sure, __________! I’m very sorry here you are that sounds great 12 / 20 _______ he would be there, I would not have agreed to come: Had I known If I would have known I had known 1 13 / 20 __________ the time? Whats What’s Whats’ 14 / 20 Where is Joe? I haven’t seen him __________ a year. since for in 15 / 20 Could you show me the way to the __________ office? doctor’s doctors doctor 16 / 20 They __________ go to work by bus. usual used usually 17 / 20 I don’t like whisky. __________ do I! Neither So Either 18 / 20 Are you __________ English teacher? Ron Ron’s Rons’ 19 / 20 Where is Julia? She __________ home. goes is gone has gone 20 / 20 It is a bit difficult – not __________ people can do it. every all any Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B2.1 1 / 20 Did Richard finish the report? No, he __________ it tomorrow. finishes finished is going to finish 1 2 / 20 Henry __________ to work tomorrow. isn’t going isn’t isn’t going to 3 / 20 Is this book __________? my me mine 4 / 20 Can you give me __________ advice? an a piece some 5 / 20 They usually go to work ______ bus. on with by 6 / 20 Shall we go to the Riverboat for dinner? No, it __________be fully booked. They are sometimes busy on Mondays. will may can 1 7 / 20 I don’t like whisky. __________ do I! Neither So Either 8 / 20 _______ he would be there, I would not have agreed to come. Had I known If I would have known I had known 1 9 / 20 Jack is taller __________ George. then that than 10 / 20 If you work __________, we can make it! hard more hard hardly 1 11 / 20 Let’s look at it again, __________ we? will shall don’t 1 12 / 20 He __________ his knee while playing tennis yesterday. hurted hurt hurts 13 / 20 When Dad __________ home from work, he will be very tired. came comes will come 1 14 / 20 Could you show me the way to the __________ train station? nearer most near nearest 15 / 20 Where is Joe? I haven’t seen him __________ a year. since for in 16 / 20 I’m fed up __________ this stupid exercise! about with at 17 / 20 __________ not a good idea to do that. Its It’s Its’ 18 / 20 It is a bit difficult – not __________ people can do it. every all any 19 / 20 I __________ outside the cinema when the police arrived. stood was standing am standing 20 / 20 __________ MG is an English car. a an – Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau B2.2 1 / 20 Your house is __________ than ours. much bigger more bigger so bigger 2 / 20 I heard the police __________ dozens of people before they made an arrest. have been interviewing were interviewed had interviewed 3 / 20 Can you give me __________ advice? an a piece some 4 / 20 Jane can’t come to the phone right now. She __________ sleeps is sleeping was sleeping 5 / 20 Henry __________ to work tomorrow. isn’t going isn’t isn’t going to 6 / 20 You’d better take the papers with you __________ you need them for the meeting. as far as unless in case 7 / 20 I like neither whisky __________ gin. or either nor 8 / 20 Let’s look at it again, __________ we? will shall don’t 1 9 / 20 __________ not a good idea to do that. Its Its’ It’s 10 / 20 He __________ his knee while playing tennis yesterday. hurt hurted hurts 11 / 20 When Dad __________ home from work, he will be very tired. came comes will come 1 12 / 20 He likes to eat __________. salmons salmon salmon’s 13 / 20 Pat has insisted __________ paying for the meal for all of us. in to on 14 / 20 This area of town is beginning to look very __________ and impoverished. put-down run-down broken-down 15 / 20 I’m fed up __________ this stupid exercise! about with at 16 / 20 I don’t have _________ time today but I’ll do it tomorrow. much long some 17 / 20 I couldn’t __________ up with the noise in this city! set put live 18 / 20 _______ he would be there, I would not have agreed to come. Had I known If I would have known I had known 1 19 / 20 You must drive __________ because of the storm. careful carefuly carefully 20 / 20 She woke with a bad stomachache. It __________ something she’d eaten. must've been should've been would've been Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau C1.1 1 / 19 He has been __________ of murdering his father. charged accused arrested 2 / 19 Good evening, here __________ the news. are come is 1 3 / 19 Jane can’t come to the phone right now. She __________ sleeps is sleeping was sleeping 4 / 19 You’d better take the papers with you __________ you need them for the meeting. as far as unless in case 5 / 19 That’s the man __________ wife has left him for another guy. which whose who’s 6 / 19 It is a bit difficult – not __________ people can do it. every all any 7 / 19 If __________ you were coming, I would have baked a cake! I would know I would have known I had known 1 8 / 19 He likes to eat __________. salmons salmon salmon’s 9 / 19 Difficult? No, it’s a piece of __________! mind cake soap 1 10 / 19 Monica smelled the soup __________. care careful carefully 11 / 19 He __________ his knee while playing tennis yesterday. hurted hurt hurts 12 / 19 I was rather upset when I heard my daughter’s teacher __________ her run twenty times around the playground! let made allowed 13 / 19 When Dad __________ home from work, he will be very tired. came will come comes 1 14 / 19 Come in! The more __________ merrier! the how than 1 15 / 19 I arrived __________ New Zealand last night. at to in 16 / 19 It’s been a long time since we last saw __________! us each other themselves 17 / 19 You look really fit! Yes, I __________ at the gym for a year now. am working out have been working out worked out 1 18 / 19 There is __________body at the door. Please go and see who it is. some- no- any- 1 19 / 19 Jack is very good at sports _______ his brother Ed is not interested in it at all. whenever whether while Your score is 0% Test erneut starten 0% Englisch Einstufungstest Niveau C1.2 1 / 20 The flight to London was __________ expensive as I thought. more less much less more or less 2 / 20 We are staying at a hotel because our flat __________ redecorated. has been is being was been 3 / 20 Is this book __________? my me mine 4 / 20 Jane can’t come to the phone right now. She __________ sleeps is sleeping was sleeping 5 / 20 That’s the man __________ wife has left him for another guy. which whose who’s 6 / 20 By this time next year, I __________ a better job. have had will have 1 7 / 20 It is a bit difficult – not __________ people can do it. every all any 8 / 20 They won the race __________ not having the best car. however despite of in spite of 9 / 20 He likes to eat __________. salmon salmons salmon’s 10 / 20 Never before __________ heard such nonsense! I have have I did I 11 / 20 He dropped his kids off at school while going to work, killing two __________ with one stone. baboons birds bears 1 12 / 20